Work Packages

Work package n°1 – Project Management
In the WP1 (PROJECT MANAGEMENT) are included: Bilateral Agreements | Project Management | Quality Assurance | Financial Reports
Work package n°2 – Capacity building activities
The aim of this work package was to create Good Practice guidelines with prior desk research and identification of good practices of mental well-being approach in HE in European countries, considering their good practices and how they can be applied to cases where there is no such practice while undertaking the Need assessments in each country to explore the knowledge and skills gap, and needs.
Apart from desk research and identification of good practices, consortium researchers conducted small-scale research with 5 key informants in each country to explore the expectations of anxiety awareness among students in HE Institutions.
There is little evidence to suggest that there are good practices, policies, initiatives etc. at the national or regional level, to deal with mental health awareness, anxiety in particular at HE institutions. Therefore, through the consideration of countries’ good practices and needs assessments the current project filled in the gap that exists at the EU level.
The Good Practices Guidelines are based on desk research and identification of good practices of mental wellbeing approach in HE in European countries.
Work package n°3 – Awareness raising handbook
The aim of this Work Package is to develop an Awareness Raising Handbook as a tool to be used as a methodological guide for educators and relevant staff to develop a mental health awareness approach in HEi following the holistic and positive approach to mental health awareness in accordance with the EU policy frameworks and needs assessments.
This activity is crucial for both of the main target groups- educators and students to get to know more about anxiety, and how to manage it, and also gain more knowledge about mental health issues among students and the Covid-19 effect.
The Handbook includes: Introduction to mental health | Guide on recognizing anxiety among students | Guide on developing skills of managing anxiety | Mental health awareness in wholescale HEi.
Work package n°4 – Connecting and experience sharing
The main objective is the Training of HEi staff. During this training activity, the staff will have an opportunity to gain knowledge, attitudes, skills and tools to successfully mentor students from their organisations’ countries, regarding the development of mental health awareness in HE, then evaluate student’s acquired knowledge.
The training will cover key concepts related to mentoring students and support the participants in strengthening their anxiety management and accommodation in HEi. The mentoring that the students will receive from the staff that have attended this training activity, will complement their knowledge obtained from the Handbook and will enable them hands-on support and motivation in setting up their collaboration.
The training of HEi staff covers key concepts related to mentoring students and supports the participants in strengthening their anxiety management and accommodation in HEi.
Work package n°5 – Dissemination and exploitation
Making the results of the project available to the stakeholders and to the wider audience is essential. The objective of this work package is to provide a multidimensional dissemination and exploitation boost to the project. The main driver of dissemination is to make the project visible, create awareness, and promote participation.